Thursday, July 8, 2010

it's all about symmetry

The human body is based on a symetrical design, for the most part we have two of everything one on each side (some internal organs and obviously centralized components excused) and these two of everything are generally meant to share their tasks more or less equally.

Like my feet for example. They are supposed to take the same length of step, bear the same load, and work together as a team to keep me mobile. A few weeks ago I severely messed with that symmetry by going down hard in a gopher hole. My right foot all of a sudden had it easy, I was limping around, putting all the weight on my left side, taking shorter strides, giving massages to the right side, while still managing to go about my daily routine of running around on concrete floors, trekking through feilds, and kicking training dogs.

Then, come Canada Day, with an overbooked kennel to take care of I started to feel a little twinge in my left foot. By friday it was a definate ache, it was a little minor bother over the weekend and it didn't seem any worse by Tuesday, but come wednesday morning, after having it slept on for a few hours by my dear red dog, I could barely walk on it.

Apparently, when you mess with your body's symmetry it decides on its own how it wants to restore that symmetry. My left foot, seeing how well my right was being treated, complained to the right foot, who said "Hang on a minute, mate" Because my feet are Australian (Haha. Get it?) and then went on to horrendously injure my left foot so that it could be treated well too! Wasn't that nice?

Doctor calls it a transfer injury. I call it unreasonable.

So I'm still limping on the right foot (which keeps getting re-rolled and will never be better at this rate) but you can't tell, because I'm limping on the left too. It just looks like I'm taking teenie tiny little baby steps.

I need to learn to walk on my hands, but then I'd probably sprain a wrist (oh wait! Already did that!)


PS: being unusually flexible for your size isn't that great, when you are as big as I am riggity rigidity of the joints is probably your ally not your enemy. I could use more riggity rigidity in my life.


  1. Riggity riggity riggity! RIGG-I-TY!

    Feel better baby-steps Magee.

    So I heard your feet are Australian. Hilarity ensued.

    Also: wheelchair?

  2. Ah yes, 22 years and I am still being mocked for my spelling. At least its better than some I know.


    There, now shut your apple pie hole, yankee doodle.
