Saturday, October 10, 2009

The rabbits of U Vic

I didn't know this before I came out here, but apparently the University of Victoria campus is infested with domestic rabbits. People have been using the campus as a dumping ground for unwanted and unspayed and neutered pets. They have multiplied and now completely cover the campus. You can't turn around without spotting one. Here is just a small sampling shot from my car.

While I don't support the dumping of domestic animals into the 'wild' I do get kind of a kick out of these rabbits. Had I attended school here they would likely have cheered me to no end.

1 comment:

  1. Thump & SunnyBunny would like to say that good as this looks there are probably dogs & cars lurking just out of sight. They do feel however that a nice leashed trip to the park here would be a blast!
