Saturday, October 17, 2009

Creepy Neighbour

So, I have this creepy neighbour.

He moved in about two weeks ago now, and that is when I first met him, as I was exiting the shower house (back when my shower was electric and I couldn't use it) and I made two mistakes that probably could have prevented the whole encounter if I hadn't made them.

First, I stopped to read the poster about the "Lumber jack breakfast" for the 55 plus club (I am not invited... ageism) and then, I stopped to get a Dr. Pepper from the vending machine. Had I not stopped, had I just kept walking, I would not have been confronted with the friendly "Hello!" from the road. Net thing I know this short little man has run over to me and starts small talking, very awkward considering I am in my pajamas fresh out of the shower and mostly just wanted to go home and go to bed, but I'm not a total jerk, honest, so I allowed the small talk.

Unfortunately, through small talk, my new neighbour quickly revealed himself to be just plain old creepy.

Here is how he did it: by asking socially inappropriate questions out of nowhere, all within the first 10 minutes of us meeting, hidden among normal small talk, these were, in order but not in a row (he's clever you see, and has normal conversation in between creepiness):

1) "So, do you live alone?" I told him no, I have a very very large dog.
2) "Do you smoke pot?" Would you ask a perfect stranger what their drug use habits were?
3) "When do you go to sleep" Insert wide eyed stare here O_O

So, if those odd questions weren't enough to convince you, his parting words to me were. "I have a .22 in my trailer"

I think to myself, that I should complain about these things, these neighbours I always end up with, then I remind myself... I'm cheap. That could be taken two ways, it could mean I get what I pay for in my housing, or it could mean at least I'm not paying twice as much to live next to this guy than I already am. Unfortunately he is here for awhile, his trailer even has a semi-permanent porch and is now all skirted in for the winter. I'm stuck with the creepy neighbour.

Nalts here wants to help me with my problem, what a thoughtful fellow with his youtube video

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