Thursday, June 10, 2010

That person in the parking lot.

Yesterday I was that person.

We all know that person. The parking lot of our destination is really crowded, crowded beyond reason even, and you see this person getting in their car with their shopping bags. A spot! They are about to drive away and give up their spot!

But then they don't drive away. They sit in their car, engine idling, fiddling with something in their lap forever until you eventually give up and park five blocks away and walk back to the mall or something like that.

Anyway. Today I have a new understanding for those people, because yesterday the stuff in my lap was far more important than some stranger's desire for my parking space.

I went to bed the night before with a painfully sore throat. I woke up yesterday morning and it was worse. But I have to work before normal people get out of bed and I don't know where to find a 24h source of relief, so I had to get through my whole work day, and sit around and wait for a client to show, who never showed, before I could get to a store to buy throat drop things. They are lucky I didn't rip the bag open in the store. So when I got in to my car you bet I wasn't going anywhere until I had a halls in my mouth!
Then the package turned out to be really hard to open and then all the inside bits were all individually wrapped and I dropped one on the floor and had to start over. So somebody had to wait to get my parking spot. And now we know that it isn't always about fixing makeup or fiddling with your manly sunglasses. Sometimes it's about life and death access to sore throat relief.

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