Tuesday, June 22, 2010

the moral implications of killing ants

So I was thinking today about killing ants.
My new place, when I went to look at it, was occupied by more ants than I would expect to see in a 30 minute period, so I suspect there will be an ant problem. I'm not completely grossed out by ants, but I don't want them getting in to my food or my dog food, so I was considering what I might do, when I move in, to be rid of them.

The ant killing product most prominent in the media is what came to mind first 'Raid'. Now, as I understand it, Raid ant bait is designed so that the ant find its, takes it home to the nest, feeds it to the queen, and the entire colony dies.

I figure this is a pretty good way to go, ants can go all kinds of places dogs can't so they'll be easy to bait right? But then I got to thinking about the poor aunt that brings the raid back to the nest. In the commercials, the ants all realize at the last minute that they've been poisoned and they all yell "RAID!" and panic.

So what happens if the ant that takes my Raid, feeds it to the queen, and the queen dies, and all the ants, go "It's raid!" and then turn on the poor ant that brought it in to the nest? What if they blame the poor guy for it and get all violent towards him? What if he's already a consistent screw up who gets picked on by the other ants anyway? I could destroy any chance he ever had of redemption.

I don't know if I could do that.


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