Friday, January 21, 2011

The chances of anything coming from Mars are million to one but still they come...

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, this post is about poop.
If you don't want to read about poop, move along.

So you remember how in some versions of the War of the Worlds we are told that the aliens sort of 'planted' their people harvesting machines in advance and later returned to activate them and, well harvest people etc etc oh the horror?

Anyway! That is what it is like for dog owners when we get a sudden thaw!
The poop just rises out of the earth in such vast quantities that you start to wonder if it's been multiplying under there.

There is panic in the streets, there is screaming, stampeding, not everyone will make it out alive!

The poop is coming.

Maybe next I'll write a post about War of the Worlds.


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