Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Because I have seen better days"

My shoes have broken laces, and have holes where my toes push through. Clean socks go in and come out dirty no matter how short of a time they are inside.
Some guy dented my car by 'giving me a push' today, not listening when I tried to tell him that his bumper is too high and would hit my hood not my bumper. Yes, the loud 'crack' got me unstuck, but no, it was not 'helpful' and he knew it too, because he got all wide eyed and drove away real fast.
I have exactly one pair of jeans, and they have holes in them that I fear will soon turn to splits and make them unwearable also, leaving me pantsless.
The driver's seat of my car is worn through so that I am sitting directly on a metal bar when I drive and my leg still aches from the trip to Lloyd and back.
In the words of Dr. Grant in Jurassic park "babies smell" and apparently having babies makes some people completely unable to cope with their own jobs.
All the food in my freezer thawed during the power outage and I had to throw a lot of money in the garbage. Money that I could have used to buy new shoes, jeans, added to the down payment on a new car.

But, I have a roof over my head, my heat is back on. I have a dog beside my chair, and for the first time, a puppy voluntarily curled up by my feet. Bonding is slow, neither of us seem willing, but it is coming.

No, I'm not great at the moment. I'm working through more than just the problems of material things. There is uncertainty about my career choice, about my place among my friends and within my hobbies, I feel out of some loop but it is quite possible that the loop is my own creation, and only I can see it anyway. I'm not 'great', but I'm hanging on to 'ok' perhaps I'll be great tomorrow.

"Because I have seen better days. There will be better days. I have victory built in to history."


  1. I hope days go better for you. Maybe roll up a towel or blanket for the car seat? Worn car seats suck.

  2. your leg is still sore cause you were nice and stayed with me to make sure I made the trip back. do like the idea of a rolled up towel perhaps a pillow might do the trick as well in that area of the car seat.
    Have to remember the last line for myself that is a good one worth holding onto for those days when life is tough as it is for all of us at some time. hope that things become better sooner rather than later. Zed & KaBoom
