Saturday, May 14, 2011

Let's play: Guess the plant

I moved in to my house last August. The neglected garden was full of things I had zero ability to recognize. I ripped some of it out, put some new stuff in, left most of the old stuff, then it snowed and didn't stop snowing for 100 years.

Now that the snow is gone and I've cut away the old dead stuff, the beds are filling with new life. Strange life. And again I find I am faced with my limited knowledge.

So we're going to play a game! Guess the plant. I will have little to no way of checking your answers for accuracy so go to town.

I know this one. It's a daffodil with a bug in it.


Lillies? Maybe?


Babies. These are babies. In a few months they will have chubby little faces with dimples, then the storks will come and harvest them.


I don't know what this one is, but it sure is shiny.


Tulips starting to bloom on the east side of the house.


Accompanied by these white and purple mystery flowers.


And these kind of ugly things


You'll never guess what this one is! Badger knows though.


I know what this one is.


It's marijuana!


No seriously. What is it?

Pa-pa-pa... I don't know.


What about this one?


Trick question! That's not a plant that's a bug.

Vegetable garden.


1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, probably lilies, the next one is a sedum, most likely Autumn Joy, the shiny one might be your globe thistle, the mystery white & purple looks like an iris of some sort, but those usually have grassy foliage, it's hard to tell if the leaves next to it are from the same plant. The next one is a bergenia, the flowers will be on raised stalks and are quite pretty. The marijuana one is on the tip of my tongue - pass for now. The little pa-pa flower is a viola. Cute veggie garden!! Aren't you glad you asked?
