ohh economics reference
So, yesterday I finally broke and decided to hook myself back up to the internet. I simply cannot do without it, or as the two old people were remarking as they stood in line behind me "seems this whole world just revolves around that darn internet" I tried not to laugh, but it was very funny. They were complaining about how long the line was I guess.
Anyway, back to the point here. I have decided that I have gone long enough without access to the internet outside of work (work internet sucks) and had to find some way to get the internet without increasing my costs.
And I totally did.
For I am genius.
My phone bills have been stupidly frighteningly upsettingly high lately, probably because I have no other way to entertain myself at the end of a long day than to call my mum and discuss chicken skin. Because of my work schedule the long distance allowed hours don't work for me. I get home too early in the afternoon, and have to go back to work in the evening, and who has the time to talk on weekends? That's when sleeping is accomplished. So I've been paying, well, a lot. More than I should, more than I can justify given how little I use the phone otherwise.
So I looked up some home phone service providers and found an unlimited long distance plan that will cost me less than half of what my cell phone cost per month, and I can call for as long as I want, anywhere I want in north america for no additional cost. I can also call asia for 300 minutes for free. I need to get some friends in asia now.
So that I still have a cell phone for cases like power outages and car emergencies (cordless home phones don't work when the power is out) I will be transfering my phone to a $15/month no contract. This means that my cellphone will be an emergency only thing, so no calling me 'just to chat' though none of you ever do anyway :(
After all this is executed my phone costs will be just over 1/2 of my flat monthly rate for the current plan, which expires in October. That leaves me enough money for the slowest shaw cable internet connection. Hurrah! (yes I did check other providers, but the costs are all about par)
Even better, because I allowed my account to lapse with Shaw, they are signing my up like I'm a brand spanking new customer. That means I'm actually getting the next level faster connection, for less than the cost of their lowest speed connection. This deal will last for six months.
1 of 2 things will happen in six months. I'll either get my financial act together and will be able to afford the increase in my internet bill, or I can downgrade to something a little slower.
Now, I have only one problem: Right before I moved this summer I put my home phone in a donation bin, because I hadn't used it in about a year and a half and didn't want to move it to the new place. Oops. Looks like I'll be stopping in at the thrift store to buy it back if its still there.