Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't kiss the puppy

It's not that I'm not all for loving and hugging and even kissing your dogs. That's how people show affection, and to a lot of people our dogs are very important to us. I hug and snuggle and kiss my Kodi boy all the time...

but there needs to be a rule about my puppy

Badger eats poop.

Badger tips trash cans over and feasts on their contents.

Badger is now tall enough that he can (and does) drink out of the toilet.

Don't kiss the puppy!

I cannot be held responsible for any horrible diseases or odd aftertastes that result.

You've all been warned.

"Say ahhh"


1 comment:

  1. Awesome Pic!!!! He is a beautiful puppy :o) (so glad he's not my puppy of course) but an absolute darling & very photogenic!

    Kisses (from afar) to the stinky puppy!

